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AI model to analyse tongue, detect medical conditions with 98% accuracy

The tongue can say a lot about our health. The colour and texture of the tongue can give away the underlying diseases that we are suffering from. Using this information, researchers in Iraq and Australia developed an AI model that can help in detecting diseases and conditions by analysing the tongue. The AI model can determine the diseases with an accuracy rate of 98%.
Senior study author Ali Al-Naji, who teaches at Middle Technical University in Baghdad and the University of South Australia explained how the AI model works – he said that people with diabetes have yellow tongue, while cancer patients have a purple tongue with a thick greasy coating. Acute stroke patients usually have a red tongue with an unusual shape. Anaemia can be determined by a white tongue, while severe cases of COVID-19 can be determined by a deep red tongue. Vascular, gastrointestinal or asthma issues are determined by indigo- or violet-coloured tongue.
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The study is based on the traditional Chinese medical practice of determining the medical conditions by examining the tongue, added Ali Al-Naji. The artificial intelligence model was trained with 5200 images to determine the colour and texture of the tongue and understand the underlying medical conditions. 60 tongue images from two teaching hospitals in the Middle East were used for testing the accuracy of the AI model.
Javaan Chahl, a professor at the University of South Australia and co-author of the study added that soon the AI model will be used as a smartphone app to determine various diseases – diabetes, stroke, anemia, asthma, liver issues, gallbladder problems and COVID-19. This will also ensure the accessibility of the AI model for everyone. “These results confirm that computerised tongue analysis is a secure, efficient, user-friendly and affordable method for disease screening that backs up modern methods with a centuries-old practice,” Javaan Chahl said.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
